Monday 19 March 2012

Weekend: Done and dusted

Today was back to ‘work’  after a nice, relaxing weekend. The constant, fine drizzle continued for most of Saturday morning and we were all indoors finding things to keep ourselves busy with. Dieter put another shelf in Ryan and Jed’s cupboard, Ouma built Aimee and Ethan a little house under the dining room table (using sheets/blankets for walls) and they played for hours in and around it. At times I was the ‘shop-keeper’ for Ethan and Aimee’s game, but mostly I was reading magazines/newspapers/pamphlets. Jed put down the knitting needles and tried some crochet for the first time since we’ve been here and Ryan was re-organising his clothes cupboard in between the odd job assisting Dieter or Oupa fixing things.
Aimee, Ethan and I made a chocolate cake together and we dug into it soon after waking from a long afternoon nap. Then we took a walk down to the local Spar and back – it was good to browse around the supermarket and compare prices and variety of food stuff. In the evening we watched a couple of videos with the children. ‘The Pebble and the Penguin’ was Ethan and Aimee’s treat, and Ryan and Jed laughed their way through ‘Beautiful People’.  I couldn’t stay awake though and left after about half of the 2nd video and went to sleep!
Yesterday we visited Liberty Church, who relate to NCMI. We had visited the church 6 years ago when we were here last and really enjoyed it, so we thought we’d start our church search there. The welcome was wonderful and it was nice to be in a bigger church again (there were about 160 people). A small band of 4 musicians lead us in worship, which was vibrant and very Jesus-honouring, it was great. The children (and I!) all visited the Sunday School while Dieter sat and listened to the sermon which ended in the presentation of some new deacons. It was not long at all, and a lot happened in that time. We didn’t stay for coffee afterwards, opting to leave in the lull just after the meeting ended, which isn’t great as we didn’t meet or speak to anyone, but I think we’d done about as much as we could for the day.
Ouma cooked up a storm for lunch yesterday – and I think I heard Jed say about half a dozen times that it was absolutely delicious! We all thought so too! The chocolate cake was all finished by late yesterday afternoon as we shared the last 3rd of it with some friends who popped in for tea.
It was an early night for all the children after a weekend full of Wii, DVDs and much running around outside in the garden which gave Dieter and I a chance to watch a video together in the evening. We were trying desperately to keep awake to watch it till the end, but really did enjoy it. (We watched ‘The Score’ with Robert De Niro!) And that was our weekend, done and dusted!

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