Thursday 22 March 2012

Shjoe, we love our friends!

Its been 5 weeks since we left Cyprus and the ‘holiday-feeling’ seems to be lifting! Yesterday, as we drove home along the beautiful Garden Route, Ethan asked when we were going home to Cyprus. Again I had to explain to him that this is not a holiday, that we are not going to be returning to Cyprus to live there. ‘I’m missing my friends, Mommy’, he said. I think we’re all experiencing that ‘missing-feeling’. (I remember my friend Sheila telling me that her younger children had done the same when they first moved to Cyprus a few years back. I thought Aimee might not have understood the finality of our move, but now I realise Ethan doesn’t really understand it completely either.)
They say things happen in threes and I might be writing today’s blog entry too early (as the third one might still be in process!) Today 2 friends have called from Cyprus to say hello, taking me quite by surprise! When Yvonne called this morning I was so excited to talk to her on the phone, but when I got there and heard her voice I just burst into tears – tears that flowed often during our conversation. Oh, how I miss her! And Maria! And Nikolas and the girls! Oh, we miss them all. (We also haven’t had much contact with them since we left, so it was really good to hear from them!) I realised that as we keep ourselves busy on this side doing our schooling and exploring, meeting people and going places, we don’t have to think about how much we’re missing our friends in Cyprus. But, we really are!
Just a few hours later Oupa put Skype on to make a call and called to say Jane was calling. It was wonderful to hear her voice too and we had a quick chat catching up on things that have happened since we last chatted via email. Her side of the connection was broken quite often as she spoke and I was often left guessing how the pieces of her sentences fitted together, but we managed to have a good chat anyway! And that was the cause of my 2nd good cry of the day.
Shjoe, we really are missing our friends in Cyprus. As beautiful as SA is and as nice a time as we are having, today I’m really wishing I could pop into a friend for a few hours and just chill over a cuppa while the kids play with their friends. So, while we may have left you and you may be getting used to the quiet that has created, do know that we love you and miss you very, very much!

PS:  And it is no coincidence that the last of the boxes we shipped from Cyprus arrived today, I’m sure!

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