Monday 26 March 2012

Kitted out for the next short while

Yeah, we have sunshine …..what a lovely warm, sunny day. Big smiles all round! Tomorrow might even be a good day to go to the beach!
Dieter had another doctor’s appointment today and we decided to join him on his trip into town and visit the library. A neighbour sneered at me the other day when I told her I was using the resources at the library to assist me in schooling our children. I’m not sure what she’d consider adequate resources, but after 10 years abroad and the lack of English libraries in foreign countries, George’s little Municipal library is absolutely amazing!
Ryan and Jed are exploring the Eastern Hemisphere this year, and we’re busy exploring China so I came home with books on Modern China, The Yantze River, Calligraphy, the Dalai Lama, Marco Polo and Beijing. We also have a South African Map Skills book which has already been great for learning about some South African Geography. Jed has  a nice thick book on knitting which teaches various stitches and has some excellent project ideas, and I have one of James Dobson’s books on puberty that I plan to read and then work through with the older boys.
It took me ages to find the English sections in the library and work out how it works, but there are many wonderful books for Ethan and Aimee to read too – we came with 9, some of which have many stories in each book. I also borrowed 2 books on honesty that I plan to work through with them. So, we have our work cut out for us!
We then made one other stop at a little shopping centre in town and eventually (after searching for over a week!) found a stationery store that sold a calligraphy marker pen. We bought two of those so that Ryan and Jed can get working through the Calligraphy book we borrowed from the library. You can’t imagine the excitement!!! And next door was a wool shop, which also sold the most beautiful collection of buttons and ribbons! Jed chose three balls of wool to use for knitting or crocheting. So we returned home all kitted out to keep ourselves busy for weeks – or maybe months! My next mission is to find out where one buys art supplies like paints and glue and paper and stuff …… oh, the joys of relocating!

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