Thursday 27 December 2012

My birthday of surprises

Its been 2 weeks since I turned 40 and so much has happened since then. I didn’t have any real plans of my own for the day, I just wanted to spend it quietly with my little family. The children, especially, were very excited and my plans for a family picnic and a quiet dinner at home were more for their benefit. In my own mind it was going to be just like any other birthday and I didn’t want to make any fuss about it.

The people who love me had other plans – and kept them well hidden from me! Ouma and Walda arranged a lovely surprise breakfast in my honour at my favourite Coffee shop in town. Coffee and More is a rustic little joint and is a great place to relax and ‘kuier’ (visit) over a cuppa or a meal. Ouma, her sister Aunty Betsie and my friend René from Pretoria are the only people who were there that I knew before March this year. The other ladies are all friends I have found in the homeschooling moms I’ve met. It was a very precious breakfast and I was greatly touched by the things each one said to and about me and I was reminded again of how I am blessed! I’ve been so spoiled and don’t take these women for granted!

Walda, Ouma's partner in crime!

With Ouma and her younger sister, Aunty Betsie

Vicky and Yannick

Elizabeth's sister and Sylma

Nettie and Elizabeth

Walda and Melisa
A group pic - awesomeness!

Showing off my beatiful bouquet from my Sis and her family

It was an intensely emotional day for me! In the build up to the day I had been thinking of all the precious friends and family I’d so want to have around me, celebrating with me and was especially sad to be so far from my family. There were lots of tears! I was touched by all their messages and calls very early in the morning, and the beautiful bouquet of flowers my sister and her family sent to the breakfast for me! I was just so sad that they were all so far away!

After a quick cup of tea at home with Dieter and the children we headed off to the library to get a fresh supply of reading material. We were going to the sea for 3 days and going well stocked!  We got home to another surprise when Darryl, an old college friend came out of the lounge carrying a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers for me. I had no idea he was going to come and see me and was so touched by his thoughtfulness!

After a quick lunch and a short nap we headed out in the mid-afternoon to our beach house destination. We stopped on our way at a house in Great Brak, and quickly all went inside ….. and there, to my great surprise was my Sister, Chantelle, my niece and nephew, my brother in-laws and my father, all the way from Dubai to surprise and celebrate with me! Fresh tears flowed again, how spoiled can a girl be????

2 weeks ago our very flexible plans were hugely interrupted by a series of well-planned surprises!

Chantelle had chosen 40 pictures of my life in progress and had sewn them into a banner with a gorgeous fabric that matches an apron and an album she made me for my birthday! Balloons, banners, decorations galore, this was a party well-planned!

After a short time at the beach we returned back to the house where I spent a good hour opening TONS of beautiful presents, including gifts from special friends and family abroad! It was great fun and I am so spoiled! The album Chantelle and a Debbie spent weeks putting together was a scrapbooked collection of photos and recipes of special friends and family all around the world. Fresh tears flowed as I turned each page – what a very special gift, and what very special people I have in my life!

The only thing I did for my birthday was bake our favourite Beetroot and Chocolate Cake - WONDERFUL to be able to share it with my family.

A coffee table FULL of gifts, a STACK of tissues, a CROWD of beautiful family and decorations GALORE!

The beautiful apron my Sis made for me!

The album Chants and Debs made for me, filled with photos and recipes from very special family and friends all over the world

A scrumptious Greek dinner was on the menu for the evening and was absolutely delicious! Ouma and Chantelle have been organising this special surprise for me for many months and I was so touched! It was a very special and one of those precious memory-making moments! I couldn’t have dreamed of having a more special day, celebrating with friends and family who are very special to me, regardless of how long they’ve known me. My cup truly runneth over!

Celebrating in style

All the Gifford cousins together

My beautiful, generous, kind-hearted Sis and her wonderful hubby

Two more cheesecakes to just top it all off - a day of my favourites!

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