Monday 11 June 2012

We aren't into 'Dull'!

Ouma and Oupa are back from Gauteng and for a day or two its life as ‘normal’. Its good to have them home again. Dieter has recovered quite well and is back on his feet after almost a full week in bed. He still has a cough and needs some time to regain his strength, but he is much, much better.

Today it was back to the books (with gusto!) after taking the end of last week very slowly. I was able to get the next couple of books we need to carry on with our exploration of the Eastern Hemisphere and spent a lot of time today reading to Ryan and Jed today about Ghengis Khan and his Mongol horde. The book we’re reading is so well written and we’re finding the adventure very interesting.

It was a lovely sunny day today, with almost no evidence of the wet, cold days we’ve endured this weekend. Ryan, Jed and Ethan spent every spare minute playing football in the garden together and Aimee was in her element playing with the water that gets caught up in huge 25litre buckets. (I realised today that she LOVES playing with water, wherever she finds it!) When Ryan took a break from the football, Aimee asked him nicely to take her for a ride on his bike – he seats her on the crossbar and she sits ‘side-saddle’ holding onto his handlebars, giggling all the way, loving the adventure. She really enjoyed listening to Dieter reading to her before lunch today and riding her bicycle while Dieter and Ethan pottered around in the workshop. If Ethan’s not playing football outside with his big brothers, then he’s playing an action game outdoors or building something with lego indoors. He also enjoys drawing – mostly fire engines and happy people!

Ryan is football besotted and spends every spare moment of the day kicking the ball around outside, even if its just for 2 minutes between chores or activities. He and Ethan are really enjoying the soccer club they’ve joined and Ryan attends 3 practices a week and usually plays a match on Saturdays. This weekend they have a 3-day tournament and Ethan will play in his first match. They’re counting the sleeps!

Ryan and Jed spent ages doing math this morning, it challenged them! It wasn’t difficult to see that Jed, especially, was tired and they needed a couple of breaks. But they persevered and did really well. Some days are easier than others and the children (and I!) cope with the challenges as best we can. There are times when we just have to close the books and try again at another time, but today we managed to push through and despite taking a while, the success was fulfilling!

Jed and Ryan usually crochet when I read to them. Ryan has decided to start a blanket of his own. Jed is still busy with the blanket he decided to crochet a couple of months ago. He’s recently learned a new design from me (that my friend Yvonne taught me in Cyprus) and he’s going to mix the pieces he’s crocheted using that design with his other squares. He’s been using wool that he chose from the ‘scraps bin’ at the wool shop and his blanket will be a colourful affair! Jed is really good with the little ones and loves playing with Aimee on the golf greens while Ryan and Ethan are practicing soccer. They enjoy their walks together picking up feathers and counting the birds, climbing the odd tree and rolling down the small embankments.

Soccer practices are my chance to catch up with the other moms and today we all piled into my car. We were 5 moms hiding from the cold wind and the 2 little girls were colouring in the boot section where I collapsed the 2 back seats. It was a cosy affair and conversation topics ranged from finding a female gynecologist in George to surviving long road-trips and, ofcourse, a recipe swopping session! Oh, how I enjoy these chats! And how grateful I am for these woman God has sent across my path in this season of my life!

All in all, its been another busy day and we’re all healthy and doing well. There never is a dull moment, which is often a challenge of its own …… but then, we’re not into dull, LOL!

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