Saturday 2 February 2013

Quiet dynamics

Its funny how adding or taking just one person away from a situation can complete change the dynamics! I see it time and time again as we homeschool. During times when Dieter was off from work and at home with us, or when a relative or friend was staying with us, I found that we weren’t able to continue as normal with our very flexible homeschooling routine.

Dieter has been out for a few hours over the past 3 days and has taken Ethan with him each time. Some homeschooling friends moved house on Thursday and Friday and Dieter (and Ethan) went along with strong muscles and a trailer and helped them move. On both Thursday and Friday morning, once the chores were done, Ryan, Jed and I spent hours lying on my bed together while I read CS Lewis’s ‘A horse and his boy’. Aimee played quietly on the floor, either in my room or hers, with Playmobil, lego or dolls and was very happy. And then I realised anew what a difference it makes to take one, or two as in this case!, people out of an equation.

This morning Dieter went into town to buy some supplies and Ouma went with him to buy some veggies, so they took Ethan and Aimee along. The older boys were thrilled that we could carry on reading, we’re really enjoying this book together! Again we thoroughly enjoyed a peaceful quiet time together with no interruptions or issues to contend with.

Jed hasn’t been well for the past 40hours or so, fighting a fever and a throbbing head. He’s been very much out of action and I’m taking today very slowly too, so we spent the afternoon reading the rest of the book together. It’s been very relaxing, and was a wonderful read! Ryan, who was supposed to have read the book a while ago and has been resisting, enjoyed it so much he wants to now read the whole Narnia series! I’m thrilled!

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