Thursday 7 February 2013

A super-duper day!

I usually lie down with Aimee when she goes to bed at night and stay until she falls asleep. The other night, just before she fell asleep she whispered in my ear, ‘Tomorrow is going to be a super-duper day!’. And she was right!

She was excited because she knew that the trampoline mat had been re-stitched and was ready to put back onto the trampoline. (The trampoline has been out of action for about for about 3 weeks and we’re all looking forward to being able to use it again!) Something else was happening too, can’t remember right now what it was, but this is how our day looked eventually:

After breakfast I popped into town. Now that our business registration has been completed, we need to open a business bank account. I’ve nailed it down to 2 possibilities, either FNB or Nedbank and went to investigate both. My hopes of opening an account that day were dashed by the news that I need to wait for some lengthy documents which are probably in the post as they are needed to open an account. I found FNB’s bank charges to be far less than Nedbank and am very impressed by their innovative approach to banking, will probably open the account there when the documents arrive.

I then popped into Edgars and found a lovely pair of denims and some underwear. That was easy enough! I got home just before tea time and was immediately roped into helping install the trampoline mat. It’s quite a process and took at least 3 strong arms to fight against the tension of the springs and get the mat hooked on. Without a rope, we would have never have been able to do it! It’s up and in use already and the children are all so glad to have it back! We love our trampoline!!

Just after tea Dieter spotted something on the neighbour’s wall: a ‘blouaap’. A monkey, about Aimee’s size with a tal about a metre long! It was quite a sight to behold. We aren’t far from the forests or the river that runs through our neighbourhood, but we are almost exactly in the middle of the neighbourhood and a bit far away from the buck and monkeys that others get to see. This monkey was clearly out of place, but comfortable walking from one yard to the next – and I think we are the only people who actually saw it! It was an amazing treat!

One of our neighbours has recently sold her home and the new owners have decided to cut down many of the trees that fill the front yard. The activity brought an unusual noisiness to our neighbourhood and provided an exciting distraction to our normal daily routine. At one stage we actually took a walk across the road to get a up close view of the activity and it was great fun!

Later in the afternoon Aimee, Ethan and I had great fun doing some painting together. They lay down on the floor so I could draw an outline of their bodies on some newsprint and then they each painted on some clothes and accessories. The outcome was amazing! I cut out Aimee’s outline and she was thrilled …. Here was a life-size picture that looked so much like her, oh, she loved it!

When Dieter took Ryan and Ethan to football, I cut Jed’s hair for him. He’s still not feeling 100% himself (has a dry cough and fighting off fever every now and again) but he really wanted a haircut. He looks so smart again, my handsome boy!

The day ended with a lovely meal of lentils and flatbreads which we enjoy wrapping into a roti with some greek yoghurt. Aimee and I spent a good hour rolling and frying the flatbreads and I was really glad when time came to sit down and take a break in the evening. I often don’t blog because I don’t think that we’ve done anything worth recording, but I realise that each day is filled with moments of wonder that I will want to remember a long time from now.

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