Saturday 6 July 2013

10 Days in ....

Its been 10 days since our adventure in Pretoria began, an its been an interesting time already!

Our friends, Kevin and Caroline, spent the first week of our visit away in Cape Town and we were totally spoiled with 'home alone'! The 'holiday-vibe' kicked in big-time!! We decided to lay low and rest, only driving to the nearby shopping centre to stock up on groceries.

The estate we're living on has some lovely walkways and natural 'veld' (forest? ... Not field!) Connecting the various pockets of houses and not far down the path outside our backyard is a lovely green mass of grass and a small playground. The climbing frame is an small obstacle course and houses a sandpit in its shade - the little ones could spend all day there! We've also done a lot of ball throwing and mini-cricket matches with the kids, which has been great fun! Its such a treat to have this just 50m away from the house! (We do have open park lots in George but they don't have any play equipment worth mentioning and we find ourselves having to dodge dog-poo more often than is tolerable!) So, we're loving these facilities!

We've been so blessed to almost immediately have visits from Zani, Rizi and Paultjie, our cousins. For hours on end, on consecutive days, we enjoyed each other's company and small meals together. Ethan and Aimee particularly enjoyed visiting Rizi's horse, Sundance, and loved the walks they took with him. Aimee has asked everyday since, as soon as she wakes!, when we can see them again!

We've also spent some chunky time with Bronwen, which has been so refreshing! She's come over and spent lovely long sessions with us chatting, playing in the park and sharing meals together. A huge highlight was when she collected the children from us at the market last Sunday and treated them to an afternoon of fun at the local Botanical Gardens. They had so much fun together!

Out and About with Bron - so much fun!

We have many friends to catch up with ..... Looking forward to more fun and memory-making moments! Also looking forward to sharing something of our 'history' with our children ..... showing them where we grew up, schooled and where Ryan and Jed were born.

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