Sunday 14 October 2012

Aimee turns 4

I can't believe 4 years have passed since our little girl was born just before 2pm at Larnaca General Hospital! 4 years of tippee-toe dancing, singing, giggling, arms-in-the-air dancing, tree-climbing, adrenalin pumping adventure, cuddles and kisses galore! 

There were 4 special friends Aimee wanted to share her special day with and since they follow different schooling schedules we were able to spend the whole day celebrating!

Not long after breakfast we managed to get ourselves organised and Aimee sat down to open her gifts. She ripped open paper and quickly opened one after the other .... I get the feeling it doesn't matter how many gifts there or were, or what they were, she loved opening them just as much.

Here are some photos to prove it all really happened!

Some bubble bath and knitted clothes for her 'bolly-doll'

A South African chocolate from Jed .... PS: I love you! (and he really does!)

A crocheted bag that Jed made for Aimee - a real labour of love!

A huge bottle of bubbles - look at that smile!

Some sidewalk chalk made with love by Daddy and Mommy

Jed reading Nana's card to Aimee (she LOVES reading cards!)

A DVD and colouring pack sent with lots of love from Nana in England
There were also other little cards and monetary gifts, and even a slab of chocolate from the neighbours in our road - she's very much loved!!

Adine and Zian are homeschooled and, after a brief chat with their principal, they were able to
come over at around 11am and spend a few hours playing and celebrating with Aimee.

So happy to be with her friends - here she is with Adine

Blowing out her FOUR candles!

Cutting her cake.
She requested a cake like this  months ago and has repeated her request often, 
so she was thrilled when she finally saw it!

Ryan, Zian and Jed enjoying the party-fare!

Aimee and Ethan with Adine
The celebrations continued until bedtime!
As the one group of party guests walked out, the next just about walked in!
In the afternoon, after their school day had finished, Aleeyah and Lizaan came to celebrate too!

The second half of the cake, saved for the afternoon guests - meant another round of harmonious singing and candle blowing festivities!

Aimee and Alyeeha

Lizaan and Aimee   

Aimee with the beautiful card Grampa sent her from Taiwan! It came a few days after her birthday and ensured the festivities continued for a little while longer!)
That night, after Ouma had returned from work, we had a lovely dinner together with Oupa and Ouma. Aimee's request had been for 'meat and pasta', so I made a spaghetti bolognaise! Aimee was so exhausted from the day's activities that she could eat much and just wanted to sleep, so she (and Ethan too!) went to bed a tad earlier than usual! That spaghetti bolognaise tasted soooo yummy the next day!

Can't believe my little girl is now 4 .... she is so cute, too clever and very eager!
Every day is an adventure with her and I'm looking so forward to the year ahead!

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